Essay for The Right to Our Opinion

    The Right to Our Opinion

     Arguing and giving up the right to our opinion to save our lives and others too might be what we must do sometimes to make things right. First of all, what is an opinion? Many people have opinions all the time whether its that they like a flavor of ice cream more than another or that they dislike a certain artist. Everyone had an opinion on different things they believe but some people can argue that their opinion is superior and that the other person is wrong. That is where it gets complicated because in their mind it is right but one could be more flawed than the other and by arguing you are trying to convince the person they are wrong. Now obviously the person with the correct evidence is correct, right? Well not exactly until the other person agreed if not it is still a stalemate. So when it comes to that no one is really right or wrong so their opinions wouldn't really matter.

   Now back to what it means to give up our opinions to save a life. Well, what I think that means is if there is a life-threatening thing two people disagree on it might let a life die. For example, a cop has to tase or incapacitate someone to stop that person from killing another, but the other cop doesn't want to incapacitate or tase the subject because he knows him or thinks it's just not right. So now it is at a split the cops have to do something before the subject kills the other person. So the moral thing to do is forget about their opinions and just incapacitate the subject so the other person doesn't die. But not everyone would agree to that so that is the dilemma. So I think it sometimes has to come to evidence and moral for someone to give up their opinion. 

    Another example of people giving up their opinions to make the world/ society betty was getting rid of slavery. A lot of people loved it while others didn't but eventually people came to terms with it and accepted it as their new norm. But not right away of course there were civil wars about it and lots of people died but in the end, after it was all over they came to accept it and slaves were free to live their life. So to conclude sometimes it is the right thing to give up or argue your opinion for the greater good. 

-Angel Rivera


  1. I enjoyed reading this -- if your readers remember only one idea from this, which idea should it be?


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