The Final Reflection

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    Alright, where should I start off... 
        Well to begin with this WHOLE year has been very strange. Not only were schools closed but there is a deadly virus spreading. But lucky enough for us we have an online school "hooray", I was just expecting for everything to be on canvas but this class caught me a bit off guard with the whole Blogger thing. I've never had used a blogger so it took me a little to understand. It also was new to me that this class had very few due dates which felt nice at first but were a tiny curse in the future. Also, the teacher is very nice and chill Shout out to Dr.Preston. 
  What I found most meaningful in the experience we had is how everyone was so nice and that as a class we had a nice community going on especially the fourth period according to Dr.Preston but Shhhh. It was always fun in class I only felt a little bored sometimes but most of the time I was entertained by class. I appreciate the time we've spent in that class even though it was very little and I look forward to it next week and Next year as well. 
   I am mostly just proud of being able to manage to get most of my work done even if it's late just to get it in and say I did it. I've had a bad habit this semester of procrastination. But I`ve to keep passing grades for all my classes and hope to keep it that way.  I`m proud of this semester? No, not really I know I could do better but I`m proud I still managed to keep up. 
  There is something I wish I could have changed but I will do next semester, and I was just talking about it is PROCRASTINATION. I know this is a common problem for most but It took a big effect on me. I also wish to communicate more with others more but that's the less big problem. Since we have online school we have more freedom at home and with that comes more distraction and also due dates were further apart meaning I could do them in one day which is not good. And it affected this class the most since most assignments had no due dates meaning in my mind I had all the time in the world and when it came to the due ones I always forgot since they are on another website, not canvas. But hopefully, I will keep my word and stop procrastinating next semester and could take the wellness week are break to actually have a break.
    I`ve learned some things from this course like not everything is done just how the school wants it just like this essay. I loved this class because it branched out from what other classes have done and just strictly stuck to the school's terms. It also taught me to express my self some more and do my work as myself. It also taught me how to take a breather once in a while and forget about everything, and how writing in a journal is sort of refreshing at times.
    Now on to the englishy stuff you talked about Mr. P We have read many things this semester like poems, huge books, and articles which all have had different techniques to them. The first one I will talk about will be a poem. Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson In this poem, it talks of a man named Richard cory it tells us how successful this man is admired by all seemly living a good life but at the end of the peom it says, Richard cory took his own life with a bullet to the head with no suspected reason. Perhaps this poem is saying even if it looks like someone is doing well they might not. A thing used in this is Characterization since it describes the character and it also used a little bit of 4 person ( I think) since it is being described by others and not Richard cory himself. The next one is The Right to our Opinion that article basically told us why we really don't have a right to our opinion in some way, Since even if you have an opinion someone will say it's wrong even though it's your opinion and not fact so in some why you will never really have an opinion of your own that is right. So this article has some connotation to is and some symbolism. Now on to the big boy Le Miserables Now that book I nor the class have finished but so far it seems to be good the first part of the book focused on this Bishop of D and how good of a person he was no matter the situation he was always good and meaningful. The second part of the book introduces us to someone new named Jean Valjean and who he is. This book has a lot of strange words to me and it is a little difficult to understand at times but it is good. This book had lots of English terms and techniques. To name a few it had some; diction, syntax, characterization, some symbolism, and a sort of tone that changes on how the scenario is or the mood of the character. 
    So that's all. This half of the school year has been crazy I just hope it gets better. I hope you have liked this essay and if not leave a comment for feedback I will be sure to take a look and consider it. I  hope to change and I hope that I will learn from my mistakes. My time to turn this in is running short so I`ll stop writing for now. Take care. :D


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