
Showing posts from December, 2020

Le mis book 2 chap 7

  Le Mis Book 2 Chapter 7     In this chapter, it showed us how potentially dangerous and scary jean Valjean can be. His old life and the prison system kind of broke him. He did what he did to survive even if it wants reasonable. He is said to be as strong as 4 men. This man if survival strikes him could be very dangerous.  He already had a hate for everyone and society so anything is possible. 

Le Mis book 2 Chap 6

  Le Mis  Book 2 Chapter 6  This chapter told the story of what Jean Valjean was. Jean Valjean lost his mother and father and was only left with his sister. Later Jean had to provide for seven children and his sister making barely anything. Then he tried something desperate he broke through some glass and stole a loaf of bread he was caught and was sentenced to 5 years in jail. All he wanted to do was provide for his family but it didn't turn well for him. He was later charged multiple times for attempted escape, he was successful 2 times but the time he was free was not worth the time he got added. Then when his sentence was finally over he was a freeman. He severed 19 years for some stolen bread. I feel kinda bad for the guy he was just trying to stay alive but I mean it was his fault for trying to escape. Also, I think 5 years is too much for stealing bread but I guess he was charged a little more since he was a poacher as well.

Le Mis Book 2 Chap 5

  Le Mis Book 2 Chapter 5     I like how trusting the bishop is he doesn't really even know Jean Valjean and he allows him to sleep close by to him. I also kind of found it funny how Jean told the bishop that he could be an assassin for all he knew and then instantly fell asleep. It's nice.

Le Mis Book 2 Chap 4

  Le Mis Book 2 Chapter 4     I was a little confused for the first couple of seconds about what was being read but then I remember that this is a letter. I think it is nice that every couple of chapters another character can write a letter just telling us what is happening and what that character thinks about it.

Le Mis Book 2 Chap 3

  Le Mis Book 2 Chapter 3     Alright, so this chapter directly follows up the one before. The person that knocked on the Bishop's door we all knew was Jean Valjean. Jean was already thinking that the bishop would not let him stay either so he just stated to the bishop in a long rant who he was what his past was and why people didn't like him. Out of Jean`s surprise, the bishop welcomed Jean and he couldn`t believe it he was so thankful the bishop let him stay. Then the table was set and they had a nice dinner. I think this was a nice wholesome chapter.

Pages from my Journal 5

  Journal entries 5                                                               DEC 4      Well if I was merged with the person I hated the most it would be awkward, to say the least. It would be even more awkward if the person you dislike does not feel the same hatred. At first, we would freak out as most people would when Physically merged with another human. The following thing to do is to try to find out why this happened and how to fix it. Then after all hope is lost throw everything aside and converse since you'll probably be stuck for a while.   Dec 7     I think people resort to intensive violence just either out of pure hatred for another or to send a serious message. Like what happens in pearl harbor these people don`t want to get messed with so they sent the message with an attack. Some people are so willing to get to the extent of violence to convey their message either to cause change or to just show it as a symbol.    Dec 9     Music does it have a special power? Mu


  The Final Reflection                                                                  Alright, where should I start off...           Well to begin with this WHOLE year has been very strange. Not only were schools closed but there is a deadly virus spreading. But lucky enough for us we have an online school "hooray", I was just expecting for everything to be on canvas but this class caught me a bit off guard with the whole Blogger thing. I've never had used a blogger so it took me a little to understand. It also was new to me that this class had very few due dates which felt nice at first but were a tiny curse in the future. Also, the teacher is very nice and chill Shout out to Dr.Preston.    What I found most meaningful in the experience we had is how everyone was so nice and that as a class we had a nice community going on especially the fourth period according to Dr.Preston but Shhhh. It was always fun in class I only felt a little bored sometimes but most of the time

Le Mis Book 2 Chap 2

  Le Mis Book 2 Chapter 2     The thing that stood out to me in this Chapter is how Madame Magloire was trying to convince the Bishop that they should have locks on the doors because word spread around of a man that could be dangerous who has entered the town and everyone thinks he is bad. (that person is Jean Valjean). Then the bishop replied a little surprised which encouraged Madame Magloire to continue that they need locks and that the bishop shouldn't just tell whoever knocks at the door to come in. But at that moment a knock was heard at the door and the Bishop immediately said Come in disregarding everything Madame Magloire just said. I found that a bit funny.

Le Mis book 2 chap 1

  Le Mis Book 2 Chapter 1     At the beginning of this chapter, we are introduced to a man of poor attire and who did not look the best. This man we later found out his name is     Jean Valjean. Jean Valjean arrived in town hungry and tired after walking for so long. Jean went to an Inn and asked for a place to stay and food he would be willing to pay. The Innkeepers said alright but then gave a not to a kid to take to the town hall to get information on the man. When the kid returned the paper to the Innkeeper he read it and then told Jean who he was and that he could not serve him. Jean was shocked but after some time disputing the Innkeeper kicked him out. So Jean went on his way to another Inn but the same thing happened he was welcomed at first but after finding out who he was turned away. Then he approached a household that seemed well and explained his situation about not being severed at an Inn and that if the owner of the house would let Jean stay in the stable they had and so

Le Mis chap 14

  Le Mis Chapter 14     In this chapter, it talks about the thing the bishop thinks about and how he thinks. The things that stood out to me were that the bishop followed his heart and all the wisdom that he has come from his heart he has no system but makes it work. The bishop was also a man that didn't worry himself with questions he couldn't answer he just examined them and cherished his own soul and respected the darkness or I think it means the unknown.

Le mis 13

  Le Mis Chapter 13     What I took in from This chapter is that the Bishop is a nice peaceful man. It is said that the Bishop likes to preserve all life and even sprained his ankle avoiding stepping on an ant. It is also said that when people look at him he  metaphorically radiates happiness and joy. He also likes to meditate and pace around at night. The bishop is a fine and interesting man.

Le Mis 12

  Le Mis Chapter 12     Well, I was a bit confused in this chapter because there were many words I had no idea what they meant and phrases I didn't know. But one thing I did understand it was close to the end of the chapter. " Be lucky, and you will have all the rest; be happy, and people will think you great." That if you are lucky good things would come to you and if you are happy people will think you have a good life. 

Le Mis chap 11

Le Mis Chapter 11 The one thing that popped out at me is how a bishop was talking about how having luxury is not good. That also the sign to a good priest/bishop is poverty to show how they are as charitable as everyone should. I think this sort of makes sense but if a man works hard at his job to make lots of money he shouldn't be poor sure donating once in a while but not to the point of being broke to have a little good thing for yourself.

Pages from my Journal 4

  This will be some of my journey entries  I will be typing them though     #1 Making fun of my lunch Nov 10 If someone were to make fun of my lunch I would not really care for it too much since I`m the one who likes it and enjoys it. If I want to eat the food I like then let me eat it who are you to tell me what and what not to eat. If they cared so much and what I ate they should make me lunch themselves if that's what they want. #2 Zombie Apocolypse  Nov 17 If it were the case of a zombie apocalypse and I were to know months in advance then I would find a bunker and stockpile food and supplies and good fortification to prepare to defend it. Then find a way to get some guns and lots of ammo for them to hold back the undead. I would also get a sharp and durable melee weapon because ammo won't last forever. Then I would get some friends of mine to help out. And last I would train months in advance to get fit enough to outrun the zombies.  #3 First impression Nov 18 First impres