Pages from my Journal 4

  This will be some of my journey entries 

I will be typing them though

See the source image

    #1 Making fun of my lunch Nov 10

If someone were to make fun of my lunch I would not really care for it too much since I`m the one who likes it and enjoys it. If I want to eat the food I like then let me eat it who are you to tell me what and what not to eat. If they cared so much and what I ate they should make me lunch themselves if that's what they want.

#2 Zombie Apocolypse  Nov 17

If it were the case of a zombie apocalypse and I were to know months in advance then I would find a bunker and stockpile food and supplies and good fortification to prepare to defend it. Then find a way to get some guns and lots of ammo for them to hold back the undead. I would also get a sharp and durable melee weapon because ammo won't last forever. Then I would get some friends of mine to help out. And last I would train months in advance to get fit enough to outrun the zombies. 

#3 First impression Nov 18

First impressions are what new people base you off. Like if you are a jerk when you met someone for the first time they will always remember you were a jerk no matter what. To make a good first impression is you have to be yourself and add a little bit of formality to it so you can be more respected i guess. Then after that show them how you actually are when you get comfortable.


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