The Right To My Opinion

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    Today I have read the article "The Right To Your Opinion"  and this is my first impression on it. I found it interesting I read some but also skipped some parts as well but I think I understood the basic idea of it. I learnt that in a sense you don`t really have to right to an opinion or in other words by just having the right to an opinion does not make your opinion right. Everyone can have an opinion but other have counter opinions at times and when you find yourself in an argument on who has the right opinion never just give in and say that you have the right to an opinion because that is irrelevant unless the person you are arguing with has told you that you don`t have a right opinion or that your opinion does not matter. Instead while you are arguing use actual facts and evidence to support your opinion and try your hardest to convince the person to rethink their opinion but if they still don`t agree let them have the right to keep their opinion and agree to disagree. 

    Another thing that interested me was being told to check their rights before saying or doing things, since sometimes the things you did that you thought were good could turn out to be bad and worse case can land you legal trouble. The best case scenario for checking your rights is sometimes being able to benefit from it or having the ability to make some cash. So make sure to check your rights.

    This is what I have to report for now about this article and maybe some time in the future I will have to come back to this article and have a change of view but who knows. Till next time - Angel 


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