1. Symbolism is everywhere you see it in your everyday life. I am going to say the three symbols I see in my day. I always see the street signs from the stop signs to the lights, the next symbol I see is the sun and moon for the day and night cycle, and also I see an image of a religious being in my case jesus I have him in my home and he is the symbol of my religon. 2. The two possible meanings to the green light at the end of daisy`s dock in the great gatsby could be meaning To go and take a chance or the color representing money. 3.Some ways people are similar to animals is the way they stay in groups, harvest and hunt for food, they are different from one each other just like how different species of the same animal are, and how some animals use their brains to solve a problem like a bird dropping a nut from a high place to crack it and eat it. 4. There are still man ways how animals are way different than humans like how humans have the bigger brain...
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