Le Mis 10


    This chapter is also another long but interesting chapter. The bishop is sent to the location of  a old man who was a former member of the Convention by a boy who was helping out the old man and said that the old man was close to the point of death. The bishop saw the man enjoying the sun for his time was soon to come. When the bishop aproched the old man to speak to him the old man ask him what he came here to do and who he was. The old man remembered hearing the bishops name before. The two from there discussed what they believed, the bishop wished to know more about this old man and why he believes what he believes. The bishop and he man talked and talked for hours until it was the time he was about to die. At that point the old man pointed heavensword and spoke to the bishop. Then right as he was about to tell the bishop on last thing he had reached his time and died. The bishop leant some new things that day and people wondered why the bishop accompanied that man on his death bed since the people did not like the kind of man he was. All an all it was a good chapter. 


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