Le Mis 9
In this chapter it is just the perspective of Mademoiselle Baptistine explained through a letter that she wrote for a friend of her childhood. In this letter it just says what the two women do during the day and what they find through out the house to clean and entertain themselves. Then she mentions her brother the bishop and evaluates him on what he does and who he is. She says that he is a bit strange but a brave and fearless man. She says her side of the story when the bishop went through the hill with a band of bandits said to be on it and how she was worried for him when he didn't return until a fortnite later, she thought he was for sure dead while he was gone. She was surprised when the bishop showed that what he was "robbed" but showed the loot that the badits gave to him. This chapter just talks about the experiences and worry they have with the bishop and with the house.
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