
Showing posts from October, 2020

Le Mis 10

 LE MIS CHAPTER 10     T his chapter is also another long but interesting chapter. The bishop is sent to the location of   a old man who was a former member of the Convention by a boy who was helping out the old man and said that the old man was close to the point of death. The bishop saw the man enjoying the sun for his time was soon to come. When the bishop aproched the old man to speak to him the old man ask him what he came here to do and who he was. The old man remembered hearing the bishops name before. The two from there discussed what they believed, the bishop wished to know more about this old man and why he believes what he believes. The bishop and he man talked and talked for hours until it was the time he was about to die. At that point the old man pointed heavensword and spoke to the bishop. Then right as he was about to tell the bishop on last thing he had reached his time and died. The bishop leant some new things that day and people wondered why the bishop accompanied t

Le Mis 9

 LE MIS CHAPTER 9      In this chapter it is just the perspective of  Mademoiselle Baptistine explained through a letter that she wrote for a friend of her childhood. In this letter it just says what the two women do during the day and what they find through out the house to clean and entertain themselves. Then she mentions her brother the bishop and evaluates him on what he does and who he is. She says that he is a bit strange but a brave and fearless man. She says her side of the story when the bishop went through the hill with a band of bandits said to be on it and how she was worried for him when he didn't return until a fortnite later, she thought he was for sure dead while he was gone. She was surprised when the bishop showed that what he was "robbed" but  showed the loot that the badits gave to him. This chapter just talks about the experiences and worry they have with the bishop and with the house. 

Le Mis 8

 LE MIS CHAPTER 8     The one thing that stood out to me in this chapter is when the senator went on his speech on his take of life and death. The senator believes two this that in life you are just to suffer or enjoy it the choice is yours. Before he is born he was noting after death he will be nothing he thinks to himself that what is he to do on this earth it is either to enjoy it or to suffer the senator says it is eat of be eaten and he wold prefer to eat. Both paths for him lead to notingness but one path he would of enjoyed. Death is death to him.

Le Mis 7

 LE MIS CHAPTER 7     In this chapter, the Bishop showed his bravery and his faith. The Bishop did not feel fear when told that the upcoming path was said to have a band of robbers and maybe even murderers instead of fear he had faith that nothing bad would happen to him and he was right he encountered no one on the way to his destination. He went as a man by noting just his faith and prayer and returned home with some loot that was given to him. The Bishop says to not fear robbers or murderers because the real robbers and murderers are one's own prejudice and vices. That when one feels they could be in danger to just pray and have faith in the lord.

Le Mis 5

 LE MIS CHAPTER 5     Every day the bishop took a stroll around the town in his uniform which was his cloak, purple stocking, and his cane. He had a presence that was warming and luminance. The people went outside to greet the bishop and get his blessings even the children came out to see him. The bishop also never goes outside without his uniform.

Le Mis 6

 Le Mis chapter 6     The two things that stuck out to me in this chapter is how the Bishop is a simple man and a confident one as well. The bishop enjoys staying in the garden at least 1 to 2 hours a day just working on it or just being in it. He also likes that there is at least on a bed of soil with flowers. The other thing is that the bishop does not like his doors to be locked he thinks the priest's door to always be open to all.     

Le Mis 4

 LE MIS CHAPTER 4     This chapter was a long one but an interesting one as well. At the start of the chapter, it was talking about how the poor people are and how a priest said that to get into heaven you must give money to the poor. After that day there was a wealthy man who had never donated a penny to the poor but after hearing he could buy his way to heaven he finally decided to donate a little. The bishop saw this and was not too happy to see that the only reason this man donated to the same poor person every time just to buy his place in heaven. So later in the chapter, the bishop is called to be with a man who has been sentenced to die the next day. The bishop proceeds to stay with the man and comfort him telling him things to believe that the lord will be with him if he believes. The next day the bishop is still with the man and follows him everywhere till the time that the man must die. The man was not in fear for he felt that the Lord will be with him and he will be alright

Le Mis 3

 Le Mis Chapter 3     I like how this chapter it shows how persistent the bishop is he went to every church he had to visit it either by foot or by donkey. The two maids also accompanied him but when the path got tough they went home.Then he got thought the people of Emburn and the people  of Queyras.

Le Mis 2

 LE MIS CHAPTER 2 In this chapter, it is shown how generous and smart with his money the bishop is. At the beginning of the chapter, the bishop goes to the hospital and notices how small it is barley having enough space for some of the patients so then he calls it out to the director and then tells the director to use the bishops places like the hospital because it has more space for the patients. So he gives up his own palace for the patients. Then later in the chapter, it shows us the bill for the bishops expenses and it shows that the bishop only uses 1,000 of his money for himself and 6,000 donated to the poor. In another bill, it also shows that the bishop also pays extra money for the meat soup at the hospital. This shows the bishop doesn`t just care for himself.

Les Mis 1

  LES MIS CHAPTER 1 The First Chapter of Les Mis (Les Miserables) basically introduces the cast. The Bishop named Charales-Fransico-Bienvenu Myriel or M. Myriel for short is a "   well-formed, though rather short in stature, elegant, graceful, intelligent; the whole of the first portion of his life had been devoted to the world and to gallantry."  The other characters described are two housemaid one named  Mademoiselle Baptiste and the other named Madame Magloire.    Mademoiselle Baptiste is a " long, pale, thin, gentle creature; she realized the ideal expressed by the word “respectable”; for it seems that a woman must needs to be a mother in order to be venerable." While  Madame Magloire is a " little, fat, white old woman, corpulent and bustling; always out of breath,--in the first place, because of her activity, and in the next, because of her asthma." 


        I am going to pick out 5 entrys from my journal and type them out here because I`m in a typing mood. #1 September 17 topic: something that requires skill     something I love to do is play "Tom clansy`s rainbow six siege". This video game requires actual skill and good reaction time not like other shooter games. Each operator has different ability and you have to work as a team to do the objective which can be secure the hostage, plant or defuse the bomb, or secure the area or you can just kill the whole enemy team which is 5 people. This game is hard at first for bengainners but as you learn how to play it, it is still hard since you end up facing other skill players. The only was I could give tips is just put in lots of time to practice and just learn from mistakes. I`  ve put in 100+ hours into that game but I`m still not that great. But I think it is a great skillful game. #2 September 25 topic: what are some things in life to take slow?      There are many Things


This the link to the vid                                               


  1. A sign is something that happens with out meaning like a dark cloudy day means that it might rain and a symbol is something with meaning the refferes to something like a red light means stop and a green like means go.  2.The three elemntes in a symbolic relationship is the symbol its self, the reference, and you a person that understands it. A symbol is needed for a symbol to work, it has to have a reference or else it is just a thing, and you have to be able to understand what the symbol means based on our own knowldege. 3. A word not a sign or a symbol its an abritrary sign made up by us humans.  4. One natural sign I have seen in the world is when I went to a lake and it had lots of boulders in it which it didn`t have before which means something must of happened to get the boulders there.  5. One symbol I`ve seen before is a picture of a stick man falling on a yellow sign which means that it is a warning that the floor is wet and slippery. I knew what it meant because I`ve see


  What led the french people to revolt aginst their king?     Im not that informed about everything about the french revolution but I have some ideas. For one I think the the people did not like the way the french king was treating the people of France. Another belief of mine is that people just wanted change they probably did not want to keep living under a king like what us Americans did and become free. These are merely guesses of mine I really don't know why they wanted to revolt but it must of been something tragic for them to go through such rough efforts for change. 

DEAR TEACHER journal September 23

 This is from my september 23 jounal and its about what I would like to be different NOW during these times of online school. "     I would like my teachers to please send me reminders every other day even on the weekend to tell me what I am missing for the class and to o get my to work on my work and turn it in. Also I wouldn't mind if  they could give me a report every week or two on how I am doing in their class  and what I'm doing well and what I am doing wrong."